Monday, June 15, 2009

Uncle Neal in CHS Hall of Fame!

Since I had heard that Uncle Neal was going to be given a surprise Hall of Fame Award at the Carmel High School Alumni Sat. night - I went with mom - since I did graduate from there. I had never been. Less than 10 of us there above about 1960! Nice to be there to see Neal get his award though and see other Carmel people that had been customers at Union State Bank where I worked and people from 4-H.

Mom & I had lunch outside at Bub's today. Nice! Bill will be jealous. It's next to The Monon Trail so you can sit and watch people walk, bike and roller blade by.

This 2nd picture is looking south from Bub's at the trail and outside seating at Bazbeaux Pizza.

Bill says he's been moving dirt at our house between rains and Greg & Bill F. have finished filling the holes in the concrete of our garage floor and painting it. Bill says it looks good. Now we can get our old refrig. and small freezer moved over to the new garage. Bill will be anxious to start tearing down the old house. We've told everybody that we would give it free to anyone who could move it but no takers.

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