Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gone Until Next Spring

Our little ditch asparagus patch by our house went to seed while I was in Indiana. I found another bunch about like this just down the road a little bit! I'll look forward to picking at both spots about next May! Interesting that in Indiana we looked forward to going to the strawberry patch in the Spring. Here it's asparagus. (check out the height of the corn!)

I had a hair appointment with Diane this afternoon and was happy to see that Lacey skipped day care today! While I was waiting on the hair color to do its thing, Lacey gave me a pedicure and manicure! As you can see, the first hand wasn't toooo bad but got progressively worse as she did the second hand. I won't show you my feet!

Very hot & humid here today. We're waiting on our builder to arrive this evening - he's bringing our final bill which we're not excited to see and wants to know anything else that we have for him to do or fix. We really only have two things to ask him about!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lacey needs to practice some more before she goes into business.