Thursday, October 29, 2009


With this crazy, now wettest Fall in History, and more rain most of today, yesterday they needed me to learn to drive this tractor and do the ripping! Bette Jo fed all of us lunch again and then Bill gave me a quick, crash course! I was happy that shifting and all is similar to the smaller one I've been driving.

I need more practice with when to lift and lower the ripper when turning at the end of the rows. There are also grassy waterways that you have to lift it for as you go over them. With ripping you're supposed to drive at an angle instead of straight down the rows that have been combined. This tractor has auto steer so it will drive by itself except for turning. I haven't learned how to use auto steer yet but it'll make things easier! My angled line was not very good.

Fun to learn something new! Makes me more valuable to my "employers". Now I can do 2 jobs if needed - and did yesterday.
These videos were taken looking out the front and then the back - click on the arrow on the picture to watch the video.

I got moved back to the stalk chopper later in the afternoon because they started putting the corn in a bin again so that freed up Carl from hauling to the elevator. Unfortunately I had to quit chopping at about 6:15. I ran over a hump of dirt or something and it didn't sound good. So I rode in the combine with Bill until they quit as it was starting to sprinkle.

Things are getting complicated this year
due to all the rain. There have been lines of 25 semis and/or wagons at the elevator. The corn is stickier so it unloads slower. The elevator can't get the corn dried and out fast enough to take in more fast enough. Drying in your own bins is taking a long time due to the corn being wet. From what I read in the farm magazines, there can be mold and other problems.


Anonymous said...

I doubt if you watch "South Park", but if you ever see the episodes where some of the peoples jobs are getting handed to other people, they start yelling "THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!"

That is what I'm saying right now as I read your blog.



Anonymous said...

On another note. it won't be long before you take over driving the combine and taking Bill's job.


Cindy said...

LOL! I don't think so - they're just desperate right now!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the videos you provided! You can hear the radio in the background and I have a great mental picture of you jammin' to country tunes as you drive your big tractor:) Country life at it's best!


Cindy said...

Ohhhhh noooooo - no country for me!!!! I listen to the Humboldt station - lots of 70's & 80's music!! That's what was on when I took the video - don't know the song. Every time I get in something around here I have to change the station FROM country!