Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fall Display

This is about the only thing that looks like Fall right now since it's still too wet for combining - raining off and on.

This gazebo is in the middle of town at the 4 way stop. They hope these pumpkins are too heavy for kids to mess with. Dad would've liked the gazebo - he liked fall displays.

I'm making Bill's favorite for lunch, Gooey Chicken. I call it Icky Sticky Chicken since it's made with 3 soups and rice and I'm not a fan of rice! It does smell good though.

He's doing odds and ends today, and I'm getting ready for stamp class tonight. We're having the October traditional apple crisp and ice cream for dessert at class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I could whisk away to your class tonight-it's always fun. I'm waiting for my stuff to come back from Pam's that I ordered. Take care, Love, Suetta