Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sun! - Back to Work

The sun was already shining bright when we got up early this morning and there was wind which was good! Back to the fields! We had frost at about 8 am. They started out at the bin site and after filling a grain bin, then moved here to our house. I had just gotten done mowing/muddin' here and had not started painting the propane tank yet so that worked out well (too much dust to paint). I had sprayed one coat of rust retardant on but it was dry.

In the background of this picture is the white building north of our house. Bill just stores stuff in it.

Earlier when I told Bill I was going to try to mow, he said not to call them if I got stuck - which meant "just leave it, we don't have time to mess with that". It was pretty muddy in a couple spots! Glad to get that done. The fire dept. was called to a mower fire this afternoon - someone Bill farms for.

Some of the hail damaged corn here has too high of moisture content and the yield is low, but it's good to get it out before potentially bad weather. More rain is forecast for this week. They hope to change back to combining beans tomorrow since they really go downhill the later it gets. They are only about half done with beans.

The elevator is closing at 5:00. With corn, they run after that until they fill up both semis and the grain cart. They can be covered with the tarps that roll across the top of them.
Then the corn is taken to the elevator first thing in the morning (usually by Tim). Bill combines later at night if he can, and Tim gets going earlier in the morning. Bill will get the combine ready to go in the mornings (while Tim is hauling) which involves greasing, fueling, washing windows, checking chains and just general check over. 2 videos from today.


Anonymous said...

When you get a chance, ask Bill how fast he's going trough the fields. It looks like he's moving along faster with the new machine, but it could be the video.


Cindy said...

Yes!! This combine goes faster - 6 mph in corn! I have a whole list of things I've noticed about this new combine and more he's told me, to put on the blog soon! It's nice! More rain during the early morning though. :(