Monday, October 5, 2009

Flowers Come Back

Sill no harvesting - since last Wed. We haven't had much sun or warmth since then and more rain tonight off and on.

Remember the hail damage on July 22nd? This was a flower bed on a corner in town after the hail. Below is the same corner now. The flowers have come back. Soon we'll know how the cor
n fared. The insurance adjuster said 65% damage to the corn at our house. The undamaged beans have been doing well.

Bill helped with an after school program for kids today. The firemen showed them some things. He had just gotten home and sat down to eat tonight when the fire pager went off - house fire. It's 48 degrees and raining off and on. Would be a bad night to fight a fire. Have heard on the scanner now though that it was probably a furnace problem and just smoke so that's good.

I'm getting ready for the monthly stamp class that's here tomorrow night.

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