Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blowing Snow

Insulation was delivered yesterday so we're on the way to having a warm house. I think they're going to be putting that up today. Greg & crew arrived at 7:45 to get started. Bill said Greg was probably expecting to find a mess to be cleaned up first, but we did that last night. Most of these guys just drop empty boxes, wires, drink bottles & cans wherever. But like one of the electricians said "we are fast" so guess that's more important than being neat! We can be the housekeepers!

One of the garage doors was "revealed" when they had to put the bundles of insulation in the garage.

This still amazes me! These "lines" of snow scurry across the road when it's windy & blowing. They usually don't cause any problems because it's too cold for it to stick. We have deep ditches that are filled with snow so that's what's blowing from one side to the other. School was dismissed at 1:30 because they were worried about drifting with the snow blowing due to the high wind (no new snow).

I took 2 tables to Glenn's shop late afternoon and helped Diane with a few things - like blowing up 2 bags of balloons - for Lacey's birthday party which is tonight. She'll be 4. I have a friend's birthday tea to go to at 3:00 today too. By the way, it was - 7 at 8:00 this morning. But it's sunny! (you can bookmark this like a web site)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy!
Love your site - haven't been on it for awhile so I read lots today.
Looks like your house is going to be really really nice! :)
We have had lots of cold temps too but nothing like you. We have had several two hour delays which are nice but the kids really get off schedule. Stayed home Friday with Coby - we had a great Grandma day!
Christopher, Carrie, and Coby are enjoying their new home especially the attached garage!
My "pantry" looks a lot like yours since mine is in the basement too but it works!
Keep warm!