Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thick Cistern

Last evening after Tim left and I had already posted here, Bill got back in the bulldozer! He really wanted to get those last 2 walls knocked off some more. He did it!

This was the top of the cistern that they worked and worked on today.

Here's the reason it was so hard to crack - it was reinforced with all kinds of scrap metal pieces, wagon wheels and even a steel rail from the railroad! Wow! The video (below) shows some of the back and forth bashing Tim & Bill did and picking big chunks up and dropping them to get them to break. They finally got it into small enough pieces and dropped into the cistern! Whew! And just in time - just after they were done, we had a few min. of heavy rain. As it was pouring, the sun came out producing this almost double rainbow seen from our screened porch and kitchen! We seem to have a lot of rainbows here - reminds me of Hawaii. But with cornfields instead of beaches!

This is the fire dept.'s regular night for a meeting/training, and tonight they're burning the remains of a house in town.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shoulda went with the explosives. So much easier and fun. :) They sure don't build them like they used too.
