Friday, July 17, 2009

More Destruction Pictures

Cool (and quiet!) night last night - we slept in - nice! Just another picture of the old basement. Someone else is using the backhoe now so no more progress the past few days.

It's been a cool, cloudy & breezy day. Feels like Fall but in July, we'll take it!

Karen, we think with these smoke detectors you have to push the button to deactivate on the one that first detected the smoke so luckily it wasn't the one in the peak of the vaulted great room ceiling! I kept saying to the electrician and builder "how in the world are we going to get up there to change the battery when we're 80"??? It's terrible!! And unfortunately, we can't just leave the battery out of that one - they're all hard wired(?) too.

This was the bathroom in the basement that Bill used and where I sat during tornado warnings. Looks like that spot might've been fairly safe! It has survived so far. The previous owners had some "interesting art?" on the walls.

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