Sunday, July 5, 2009

Nice Weekend

Bill and Glenn's Indiana friend, Jeff, are taking the gutters off of our old house. Jeff moved here from Carmel and bought an old house - so can use them!!

More pictures from the fire last night. Bill said he was in the bucket for a while. The 2 fire depts. fought it for about 4 hours. The house is a total loss.

Today we went to the ATV Pull which was a first for our town. We knew a few of the guys pulling (and there were a couple women). Diane, Todd & Lacey were there.

Now that we have the wall section of cabinets in the new garage, we're working on putting stuff away and cleaning up the garage. I think I forgot to mention that Bill broke the backhoe yesterday so no more house destruction for a while.

Nice weather today, good day for grilling - nice weekend.

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