Friday, July 31, 2009

Low Flying Planes

It still seems funny to me when I hear a plane here! We had them flying over in Indiana all the time. Here, when one goes over you notice it. We've been hearing them more lately and I caught some pictures of one the other day. It's the crop dusters at work! But I just read in Bill's Iowa Farmer Today magazine that now they're called "aerial applicators"! Bill says that here they always called them spray planes!

Click on this first picture to see the plane right down low on top of the corn!

Bill says that some farmers spray something on that's supposed to help with the yield. Also some may try putting something on to help with disease after the hail damage. Both are a gamble because it costs quite a bit to have it done.

The article in the magazine also said that there are not many younger guys going into the business of aerial applicators. I think my dad would've liked doing it! He liked to buzz people in his plane!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Yes he buzzed people with all of us in the plane with him.