Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things to look forward to . . .

Things we're looking forward to once we're in the new house:

  • Not having to always use electrical "cheaters" - the things you need if what you're plugging in has 3 prongs but the outlet is only 2
  • water pressure!!!!!!
  • less flies and Japanese beetles around the windows & in the walls
  • no buckling basement walls
  • less or no drafts
  • insulation!
  • lower heating bills
  • closets!!!
  • bathroom on main floor
  • laundry room on main floor
  • (everything on main floor!)
  • a normal size refrigerator
  • new stove
  • not having to get jugs of drinking water at the grocery
  • level floors
  • storage space
  • less dust


SentimentsbyDenise said...

Wow! Sounds like the new house is going to be quite a blessing!

Anonymous said...

What?? Sounds like you're getting soft. You need all that hardship so you can go to the younger generation and say things like:

"Back in my day..."

"Uphill both ways..."

"It builds character..."

"Snowdrifts as his as..."

and my favorite,

"(insert harship here)...and we liked it!!"

If you're really creative you can put them all together in one story like this:

"Back in my day, we had to walk to school in snowdrifts as tall as the telegraph poles, uphill both ways. We also had to chop wood with an axe and boy, does that build character!! We didn't have that new fandangled water pressure that you have nowadays, we had to go to the well in the dark and pull water from the bucket...and it wasn't soft nosiree. We had to chew it, just like everyone else back then. That's the way it was and we liked it!!"

Hope you had a nice warm trip,

Grampa Abe Simpson