Saturday, April 2, 2011

Womens' Conference

This was all preparation yesterday for the Womens' Conference at our church which was today (200 women attended). It was great! (have more pictures now - you should've seen the dessert table!) Our pastor's wife, Joan, (blond on the left) has worked in catering in the past so she is very good at organizing the food for events like this! We were so lucky to have the lady next to her helping us. She had owned a cafe in Rolfe in the past and now works in the food prep. in a deli of a large grocery so was very fast at peeling and cutting up melons and fresh pineapple especially.

The last picture is of our/my new vehicle. Have been to Humboldt and West Bend with it so far and as Taylor said "I LIKE it"! Not sure if it's good to get a new vehicle on April Fools Day . . . I'm saying it was official a couple days before that when we PAID!

Going now to watch Bill and some other fire dept. members burn some CRP ground - so will be taking more pictures! It's a great day for it - 55 and calm.


Anonymous said...

It's not white?

Cindy said...

No, it's gold mist. Buick's white is not a clean bright white - more like off white so didn't want that. Thought we'd get something different. This is going to show the road dust more than white.

Anonymous said...

I like the color--very pretty:)
