Sunday, April 3, 2011

Firemmen & Lady Having Fun

Yesterday Bill, Tim and about 6 firemen (and 1 woman) burned about 85 acres of CRP ground which is heavy grass cover for wildlife. The CRP program is a government program for clean water and wildlife. They recommend burning the dead cover every few years for help in regeneration. This hadn't been burned off since putting it in - about 8 years ago.

They had it safely burning in about 2 hours but it took about 5 total.

The neighbors were out riding their horses so I got a picture of them too.

When they started the fire, about 7 deer ran out, many frogs, but only a couple pheasants and a couple geese.

Be sure and check on the eagles on the live web cam. Two eaglets have hatched now - one overnight. The first one is sure a fluffy, funny little thing with a big beak for eating already! (link is a couple of posts back)

There's a video at the bottom. You can kind of hear the fire crackling. I should've panned to the right so you could see all the smoke going toward town! The wind shifted right when they lit it. *Correction - Bill says it was going west, not toward town (SW).

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