Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Mom had an appointment with the ear surgeon today, and we got some better news. Her polyp/tumor is small, benign and a very slow growing type. He recommends watching it (scan every 9 months). She may not get the hearing back in her right ear because it's on that nerve. Her head and earache may be caused by a sinus problem (not caused by the tumor) so he gave her some strong antibiotics with a refill so she's hoping when they take affect, she'll feel better! The other 2 options - radiation or surgery to remove it are not good options because they would cause other problems for sure.

Bill tells me that we have carpet done upstairs, flooring in the basement bathroom and Mark's working on the basement carpet. Angie will be installing the blinds tomorrow evening and Greg will be there to put the closet shelves back together!

I think I'm staying here in Indy until Sat. to help mom some, shop, get the oil changed in the Pilot and see some friends, if there's time, since it's too wet for Bill to start planting beans, and we can't move into the house yet. I brought my camera but forgot the cord so there may not be any pics from Indy unless I use mom's. All of the redbud & dogwood trees, tulips, etc. blooming here are a nice change!

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