Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Electricians Showed!

Dick Main from Pocahontas Mutual Ins. came by to see the house yesterday. Bill is on their Board and has an all day meeting in Laurens today. Tonight spouses join them for dinner at the Palmer House Restaurant. You can see a little box to the left of Dick's head attached to the electrical box. It's a whole house surge protector that we got from Poky Mutual! He thinks their claims would go way down if everyone had one.

The electricians AND the heating guy are here today! We finally have light for the stairway to the basement! The sconces were marbled to match the walls.

We have one bathroom light fixture installed so far.

The exterior doors are set up so that Kay can start faux woodgraining them tomorrow. Our blinds for the windows are all in and ready to be installed.

Angie called to touch base re: the woodgraining tomorrow, and Kay will also paint the craft room white baseboard and closet doors. She told me the sad news that the flooring guy will not be here until the end of next week at the earliest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it Bill allowed to wear a Pioneer seed hat and Dekalb/Pro Coop coat at the same time??