Saturday, June 29, 2013

Almost Done Planting for This Year

Last night Bill got another field of beans planted at about 11:00.  I've gotten to work ground some the past couple of days.  Today, they got the weeds knocked down and the ground worked ready to plant the last 40 acres tomorrow.  At that point they're going to quit even though we have a couple more fields that are not planted.  It's just getting too late for them to have enough growing time before cold weather and these fields are still muddy.  Today we even had a couple of short, light showers - and then sun.  There have been very few days without at least a little rain.

Our 6th anniversary is tomorrow (time flies!) - who would've ever thought we'd still be planting on June 30th!  We had tried to pick a time of year to get married that farming friends and family could come to our wedding and a nice weather time of year that we could get away and do something fun for our anniversary.  Usually the last day of June is a good time of year for that!

Our town has it's Sesquicentennial (150 years) celebration coming up mid July so there have been lots of things going on leading up to that.  I need to get 4 doz. muffins made and frozen for the firemens' omelet breakfast that weekend, make a trip to Hobby Lobby and a couple of other things. 

Here is a beautiful sunset we all loved and took pictures of a couple of nights ago!!  Wow!

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