Saturday, September 24, 2011

Disappearing Hostas

Glenn said I should take a picture of the new grain cart with the SUV next to it to really show the size of the grain cart. The tire is a little taller than the Buick!

Everyone is having a hard time finding beans or corn ready to combine. Tim & Bill keep looking at all the fields and testing the moisture of the corn and beans but nothing is dry enough. Seems like it would be with all the heat we had this summer. So 80 acres of seed beans are done, some no till corn around our house is done and they've done some corn a little farther behind our
house. The elevator isn't taking corn tomorrow so the plan as of tonight is to do some of Tim's corn by his house and put it in a bin and dry it some there.

Here you can see the hosta that was totally eaten. The next one was exactly like it and has been about half eaten. They are the ones called Little Tiny Blue Mouse Ears. The last one has had a few leaves chewed off. I've seen a couple of rabbits around (and a skunk) so don't know if it's the rabbits or the deer.

I went to West Bend this morning to the Farmers' Market and they were having their Fall sales at the stores on Main St. - 20% off most things. Bill loves the apple pie that the main vendor makes so I
got one today and also gave her a Stampin' Up! catalog with some samples of things she can use with her scrapbooking.

Got some work done in the yard this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Leave a bottle of salad dressing ans some croutons by the hostas.

-The Deer

Cindy said...

Dear Deer,
You will find my 2 fav. hostas covered with buckets tonight!