Thursday, May 26, 2011

Misc. Spring Stuff

Seems like we've been doing a lot of running around and misc. stuff lately - nothing too exciting to blog about.

Yesterday we had an appointment in Algona to get the squeaky driver's seat in the Enclave fixed, and Bill had a chiropractor appointment. It was a really rainy day to be running around in. We got a loaner Buick to drive while they worked on the Enclave. We had lunch at The Chrome and ate too much so this was my colorful supper. We're still trying to lose weight but after both losing almos
t 15 pounds, we're enjoying some "regular" meals out, pizza and dessert once in a while but hoping to lose a little more.

The fields are starting to turn green. I took these pictures today of the corn. It's amazing to me the way the landscape changes colors here over the year. From all white in winter (all winter usually) to brown to light green, then darker green (and lots of it) to yellow & green in Sept. to yellow and then more of a gold and then a different brown when the crops are ready to be combined.

Bill came up to where I had been mowing this afternoon so I asked him if he could cut down some branches that were sticking out in the way.

This is the new mowe
r that Tim picked out. Good job Tim - it's nice and does a good job! Tim, Peggy and I share it to do our own yards and then also at three farms and the bin site so it'll get a lot of hours.

If you enlarge this last picture, you'll see a deer. I saw it on the way home from mowing. Usually there are two or more together but this one seemed to be alone.

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