Monday, November 9, 2009

Almost Done Combining

80 acres to go! We could get done today but Bill is not betting on it. Will depend on the elevator. Bill called Dave last night to come down and run the ripper today. We are so lucky to have the help we do.

This is the little ladder on the side of the grain bins that the guys have to climb up and down quite a bit. This year a guy from our town fell from the top and last year someone form our church did. Imagine how they'd be slick if it's raining or on a frosty morning. There are a lot of dangerous things about grain bins.

Yesterday Carl, Kyle, Bill & I had an omelet, sausage & cinnamon roll lunch at the community center put on by the Shared Ministry Church. I stopped chopping stalks about 6:00. I was only able to do 7 rows at a time (instead of 8) and in A4 instead of B2. This variety of corn just has a lot of leaves and tough stalks. Bill says he won't buy it again! The rest quit at about 8:30 after filling one drying bin all day and then moving the auger to another bin.

We had 70's weather which was great but warm weather causes other problems for farmers! My tractor started overheating and so did one of the semis. Tim says we normally don't have warm weather for Harvest and that things work better in the normal cool Fall temps.!

Guess I missed a nail biter Colts game but they won and are still undefeated! I'll watch it at some point!

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