Friday, November 11, 2011

Pheasant Hunters

We have a group of four hunters from Wisconsin that come here to hunt pheasant every year. They're here this weekend for three days of hunting. Bill's mom had chili for them one day last year which was a great idea (last year we had a snow storm this weekend!).

We had lunch for them at our house today. I was really wanting to take a picture of everybody sitting around the table but some people don't like to be featured on a blog so I didn't ask.

The menu was salisbury steaks, green bean casserole, butterhorn rolls and Peggy brought frog eye salad. I tried a new recipe from the Tasty Kitchen blog called Ozark Apple Pudding which was more like cake and served it with cinnamon or vanilla ice cream.

I talked about ordering a new table here on the blog back in July or so. It's an Amish table made in Ohio and we waited about 10 weeks for it. We were able to choose the shape, style of legs, edge, wood, stain, number of leaves and chair style. We took a piece of our wood trim that's throughout the house to match the wood grain and stain color. We have the room so got six leaves while we were doing it (and so they would match rather than maybe getting more later). It'll stretch out to 11'.
We went ahead and got 6 chairs (2 are side chairs with the arms) and matching counter stools. The table we had was a round maple one that I bought used for $50 from a little old lady when I was living in my first apartment. It was really nice to have everybody at one table today.

Back to the hunters, they have only seen 4 birds and got 2 of those in 2 days. The dogs are having trouble finding a scent since it's been too dry this year and there are few birds due to hard winters and wet springs. They save the tail feathers for Bill's brother, Jim, who gives them to a Native American whose tribe makes things with them.

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