Saturday, November 19, 2011

Butter Braids

Many of you have probably bought a Butter Braid or two from a school or group fundraiser? We're lucky to live near West Bend where the Butter Braid company is. We can buy seconds for $6 in a couple of stores in that town, which I think is about half what they cost through a fundraiser.

When Glenn was here, he wanted a cream cheese one so I picked up a couple. Bill likes apple of course and my favorite is cinnamon (it has gooey cinnamon inside). They have a bunch of flavors now. Per their web site, their newest flavor is almond creme.

You buy them frozen (first picture), lay them out covered with plastic wrap overnight and then they're ready to bake in the morning! They come with an icing packet.

Lacey was here one day recently and watched me bake one and was hesitant to try it, but I think she's starting to realize that baked things in this house are usually pretty good (and she's been having fun learning how to bake too). So she tried it and was soon back for a second piece!

We're finally having a little mist this morning and HOPE it turns into RAIN but the temp. is 31 and there's nothing showing for rain on the radar.


Glenn Markley said...

Can't expand the pictures. What store are they available at? Glenn Markley

Cindy said...

Glenn, you can buy them at Skoglund's or Kampen Foods in West Bend. The pictures are acting different now (Blogger has made changes) but can still be clicked on and enlarged a little.