Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring is in Indiana

These crocuses were in bloom to greet Mom when she came home from the hospital yesterday. Great timing! There are lots of flowers that are getting ready to bloom here. Some of the neighbors' daffodils are already blooming. Dad had planted lots of bulbs at their church, and the daffodils there are about to open. I'm sure you'll be seeing more flower and blooming tree pictures from me in the next couple of weeks.

The therapist came to Mom's today. It's so nice that they come to the house! He went over the exercises she's supposed to be doing 3-5 times a day and made sure that she knows how to use the walker to back into the shower and other daily things like that. As you can imagine, the simplest things take a lot of effort. She's supposed to be sure to eat at least 3 meals a day especially including protein to help with healing. We were told that ice would be her best friend. We're keeping busy!

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