Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Seed Tender

This is the new seed tender made by Crustbuster/Speed King. It will haul seed corn and seed beans from the dealership to the field – up to the equivalent of 100 50 lb. bags at a time. So rather than Tim & Bill having to go get a load of bags and then carry and open each 50 lb. bag one at a time to dump into the planter, this is like hauling it out there in bulk. It uses a belt conveyor that won’t damage the seed to take it from the tender to the planter. My job is going to be going to the seed dealership to get more seed and taking it to them in the field. Should be awfully efficient along with the new last year 24 row planter! :)

No workers at the house today . . .

Bill called earlier to see if I'd like to go out to eat tonight. Always a nice phone call to get!

I'm working on what I'll demo at Diane's scrapbooking workshop tomorrow. Bill was finishing working on the planter this morning and is working on one of the fire trucks this afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

iCindy, I am enjoying your blogs. Your Mom gave me your website and I check it. Loved the article on the new seeder. brought back good memories of being a "farmer wife". give you a hint. the easiest job on the farm is running the combine. you have to be alert but you just sit and run it. one time i shelled 4000 bushels in one day.sandy goodall sillery