Thursday, March 5, 2009

Things are happening!

Mark came yesterday and put shingles back where they had blown off.

The painters got here at about noon yesterday and immediately got to work. Kind of nice to have a crew of mostly women here! Can you see the one guy up on the ladder? They're in white and they're spraying & rolling white primer!

George installing a necessity for a crew of women! He's putting this in the basement bath. They knew they could use ours but our bathroom is upstairs and they didn't want to intrude that much.

Yesterday Greg ordered our cabinet hardware (knobs). The plumber is coming in any time for us to go over the faucets and shower heads we want. The glass for the master bath was ordered yesterday.

The other news is that it's sunny, 50 degrees so far and not windy today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,'ll be moved into your new home in no time now.

We have the wind you had yesterday, but it's sunny and warmer so I'm happy.

Thanks for all the updates.