Friday, March 20, 2009

Temporary Grain Storage

This is a pile of corn outside the elevator. We can see it from our house but this was taken looking across the golf course (too bad it's not green!). They cover up the pile with a white tarp type thing for the winter. Then usually before they want it to, it gets ripped and blown off - and did this year and last. Guys have been hauling load after load by semi to Ft. Dodge - 45 min. one way. Last year we would see deer in the area. They would usually drink at the creek down by where Glenn & Amy used to live and then head up to this pile to have some corn.

Bill & Tim went to Planter School at the West Bend John Deere dealership last evening. They were fed brats, chips, pop & beer. I went to Pilates - and delivered a stamp order there.

Chuck worked on the media center (more about that later), the electrician was here part of the day and Greg & Bill F. finished the cabinets in the craft room last evening so they'll be ready for the countertop guys to measure when they bring the kitchen one next week.

I'm headed to the Ames area today mostly for returning a couple of things to our closest Lowes and looking for a few other things. I'll be on the road about 4 hours round trip. Not good when I don't even like shopping! Makes me think twice about buying things at the "faraway stores" in case something needs to be returned! It looks like it's going to be a nice day for a road trip though!

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