Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bill the Carpenter - New Shelves!

Bill is already making the shelves for our storage rooms to put the totes of Christmas decorations, coolers and other stuff on! I know someone in Carmel whose basement flooded right after they moved into their brand new home so we wanted to get stuff off the floor. But we do have several drains in the basement so shouldn't have to worry. Nice to have a husband that can do these things - and he's fast too!

You know the "old house pantry" that I blogged about on 1/21? He's got an easy way to make some shelves for my new basement "overflow pantry".
Per Carl's suggestion yesterday, we're putting that in our all concrete storm shelter room (which is under our porch). That way bottled water, food, etc. will be in there already in case of emergency and will be rotated.

We covered our window screens with plastic for the painters (bottom picture). This week they'll be taking the windows apart to stain them and will put in the screens to keep the cold out.

Had a blog comment/ question - what will the front door look like? It's going to be burgundy on the outside with an oval pretty glass with a burgundy framed full glass storm door. It'll be faux wood grained by Kay, one of the painters, on the inside.


Anonymous said...

Those shelves will hold a ton of food. :)

Cindy said...

Yes they would! He's going to work on the ones for the food today (Sun.) (12" deep shelves).

Anonymous said...

How is it that Bill can quickly build shelves to hold enough food for a small army but couldn't get a simple swing set done in an entire day? Maybe the swings were practice....:)


Cindy said...

"He says" this was a cheap, low tech project with no instructions! And no sister watching over asking "are you sure it's strong enough for the kids?"