Monday, September 10, 2012

Harvest is Happening!

Lots of action in the fields all over now.  I started ripping on Sat. and all went well, I thought.  I had a huge rock pop up but all the parts of the ripper seemed to be there.  (I should've taken a picture of the rock!)  The next morning Bill found that something was broken and things were bent.  

The elevator was not going to be open on Sun. so everyone decided it might be a good day to go to the Spencer Fair.  It's a county fair, but people around here go to it more than they go to the Iowa State Fair.   The weather was going to be perfect for fair going.

I had a ticket to go to a tea in Dakota City so had to miss going to the fair with Bill, but the tea was nice too.  The theme was "The Language of the Fan".   Fans used to be used for communication like fanning slowly meant "I am married" and fanning quickly meant "I am engaged".  The fan placed near the heart meant "You have won my love".  The tea was in a neat old house that is part of the Humboldt County Museum.  There is a pretty, old church and other buildings on the grounds.
Bill spent all morning and an hour or so after lunch today fixing the ripper so I didn't get started in the field until about 3:00.  Bette Jo started her harvest meals for the crew today (yum!).  

The others finished up a field today and moved across the road to another one this evening.  Bill says they will switch to beans sometime tomorrow.  They have just one field of beans ready so far.  It'll take me a couple days to finish the corn fields they've done and catch up.   

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