Monday, September 17, 2012

Bad Day

We started out with a little (very little) rain - less than a tenth but enough to stop work for at least the morning depending on if the sun would come out later and/or some wind.  The guys had been watching the combine's engine for the past three days - something was not right.  Since it rained, Bill had a mechanic come out to do some testing.  He did some tests and said "get it to the shop".  This afternoon they determined the problem was a blown head gasket.  Will know more tomorrow re: down time and repair costs.  

Tim took the maps I had drawn of the rocks I "found" in three fields and got them picked up with the skid loader this afternoon.  Usually that's a job that gets done much later, usually in bad weather.  

My friend, Terri, came over this morning and shared Turtle Pie with us that she had made her husband for his birthday.  Yum!!  Bill said the only problem was the (sm.) size of the pieces (it was rich)!

The sunsets lately have been pretty.  Hard to get good pictures of them.

Tomorrow Bill is going to take out some fence and I'm going to water trees.  We keep hoping to get some weekly rain and not have to do that so often plus rain is just better.
Turtle Pie


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