Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Today is our 4th anniversary! We can't believe we've already been married that long, but so much has happened in four years. Both of our dads passed away a few months after our wedding, we built a new house and tore down the old, the triplets graduated from high school and are now in college, Glenn & Amy sold their business here and moved to Dallas, Bill's brother bought a house, Diane had another baby, we have some new farm equipment and I've learned to drive some of it, we've been on some nice vacations.

You can still see a picture of our wedding on the web site for the Miss Dubuque yacht that we got married on - click HERE. We were so lucky to have perfect weather that evening for our wedding cruise and it ended with a nice sunset just as we were pulling into the dock. We always wish we could do that same cruise again with that beautiful weather and the same people on board with us and just enjoy the ride and scenery. Some of our guests mention to us every now and then that they wish we could do that again. It was one of the best weddings we've been to!


Laurie said...

Happy Anniversary, Cindy!

Cindy said...

thanks Laurie!