Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Freezing Sweet Corn

I've been wanting to freeze sweet corn since I moved here five years ago but every year there's been a reason I haven't.  At first, we lived in the old farm house and the kitchen was small and didn't have a vent over the stove so boiling anything made the kitchen really hot.  Then there were a couple of years that the raccoons ate the corn.  Last year I was in Indiana in August when it was ready.

Back when we stayed with Grandma & Grandpa every day, they had a big garden and we helped shuck and get the silks off for freezing lots of corn.  I remember sitting and watching Grandma cut the corn off the cob and thinking it was so neat how it fell off in "strips" like this.  

Grandma had some false teeth so she usually cut her corn off the cob - and ours sometimes - and I liked eating these "sections"!  

This years' corn looks nice even with all the heat.  Tim put up electric fence to stop the raccoons!  I was lucky that Bill picked it and shucked the corn for me out in the garden so my part was easy.  I just did 18 pint size bags.  We don't eat that much corn since it's not a good vegetable for diabetics or if you're watching your weight.  But I hope it tastes good this winter!  It has to be better than what you buy at the grocery!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

My grandparents brought over a pick up truck full of corn every fall. We would spend the day shucking the corn (and playing in the back of the pick up!) while Grandpa and Mom worked on freezing the corn. Grandpa had this tool that would scrape the corn off the cob in the big pieces. I LOVED those big pieces of corn! Your pics brought back lots of Indiana memories to me!