Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Harvest Continues

Can you tell I've been busy? No blog posts. We've been having good weather so it's been go, go, go. We've had a couple of tiny, short showers or just sprinkles that have only stopped combining a couple of times for an hour or two but my ripping could continue.

This first picture was last Sat. morning. All of the equipment had been lined up ready to go behind our house the night before.

One day this week I pulled in for fuel and Bill noticed I had a flat tire on the tractor. Turns out one of the handles of this old cutter was IN the tire! Luckily it was the end of the day so Bill dropped the tractor off at the tire store and they got to it pretty quick the next morning.

This was the foggy view of the field I was in yesterday morning. The tractor windows were dripping wet but it didn't take long for it to dry off once the sun came out mid morning.

This last picture was taken yesterday of the field next to the one I was in. Where we are is mostly flat but there are a few rolling hills around.

I finished a 75 acre field today and have a 40 acre one to do tomorrow that should take about 5 hours. Bill says we have about 500 acres left.

The combining crew was stopped for a couple of hours today after lunch due to the light rain but then they got going again and worked until about 8:00.


Marie said...

Thanks for all the updates. Great pictures.

Anonymous said...

So that's where I left those wire cutters! 'Doh!


kelly said...

Those look like a pair of hoof nippers, like a horse shoer would use.