Friday, October 7, 2011


This was the sky this morning to the east of our house!

This week I disked with a new to me tractor (JD 8300) and got along fine - nice tractor. Yesterday and today I've been ripping with the 4 wheel drive tractor.

Bill had to be gone today for a field fire. We could see the smoke in the distance. Luckily he didn't have to go to the 2nd one we saw. The heat of the equipment in the dry fields
along with this wind we're having is bad news. The fire chief is gone to a fire school this weekend so Bill is in charge. Tim had to be gone today so while Bill was at the fire, we were without a combine driver.

The second picture is of the "harvest pack" that our loan guy from Farm Credit brought to us. They do this every year. They come find the farmers in the field and give one to everybody that's driving something. This was my first year to get one. :) The Lions Club brought bags of goodies out too earlier.

Today we worked in the field behind our house and a train (with ethanol cars) happened to come by - very close! The engineer waved.

Tomorrow I'll be working behind our house probably all day on mostly end rows. Not fun. But I do feel better this year - not as nervous about driving big stuff so that helps a lot! I did drive on the road from Peggy's to our house today which is a big deal - I wouldn't have done that last year. I'm finding out that lots of non farmers think that we should be able to easily get out of their way which is very scary. It's not that easy to find a spot without posts or mailboxes or a level area off the road to pull over very much.

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