Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More Snow

Not much happening here right now to blog about. Kids went back to school today after being out Mon. & Tues. for the 12" of fluffy snow that we got. My P.E.O. meeting for Tues. night was canceled since we were supposed to have wind - but didn't. Tonight it is -4 at 8:00.

Farmers have classes that they go to in the winter so Bill and Tim have been going to some of those. He usually has his physical, goes to the dentist, gets his eyes checked, etc. in the winter. Farmers have to file taxes earlier so he's been working on that for both personal and farming. I've got 3/4 of my tax work done for the Stampin' Up! business.

A friend and I went to the Wed. program & coffee (or in my case tea - not a coffee drinker) at the library today. This week's program was on organization and mainly the bedroom closet. The main thing was to take everything out of your closet totally so that you can clean it good. Then have bags for Goodwill/donation, throw away (anything stained or torn), a box for things that go in other rooms and a try on pile. Then put clothes back in grouped by color and sorted by sleeve length on the shirts. Put skirts together and pants together, etc. Most other things should go in containers or an organizer of some type.

We're supposed to be ruthless about getting rid of stuff! I've gotten better at that in recent years after helping to clean out grandparents' and dad's stuff. It's hard to give up some sentimental things or something that's still "good" (but hasn't been used for who knows how long) but sometimes needs to be done. I try to tell myself that if I donate it, somebody will get some good out of it rather than it sitting around in my house collecting dust.

Since I did a major move to Iowa only 3 years ago and then we moved from the old house to the new one just a year ago, plus Goodwill has been here several times lately, our closets are in good shape. I do have a few boxes in the storage room to go through.

Bill and I are both trying to exercise most days and doing pretty well with that. We have a TV in the room where the treadmill and bike are and can see out windows two directions. I'm usually in there early evening and can watch the sunset.

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