Saturday, November 13, 2010


I was going to just title this "No Words Needed" and leave it at that but I have to talk about it a little! :)

This 7-10" came mostly during the night. It's a heavy, wet snow so at least it shouldn't blow around. Lots of power outages for several hours around. Ours just kept flickering or was off for 10 or so min. here and there.

The roads in town and the highways are plowed but not the gravel roads. Pretty deep between the tracks!

Very unfortunately, this caused the Women's Conference at our church to be canceled today. Lots of work put into that for 200 women to attend. They're going to serve the lunch after church tomorrow.

Bill's mom had chili for lunch today for the pheasant hunters and Bill & I. Since I had an unexpected free day, I hung around and visited with Peggy most of the afternoon which was nice.

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