Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Small Helper

Our nephew really likes to help Uncle Bill during Harvest but with already being in sports, he doesn't make it down here much anymore.  Luckily he got here Sat. because we got done combining Sun. around noon!  It doesn't usually happen, but field work (ripping) was done soon after - on Mon. night! 

Now Bill and Bryan are getting the quad trac ready for putting on anhydrous.  The soil temp. has to be consistently 50 degrees or below so it will be a while.  In the meantime, all the equipment has to be cleaned and put away.  

We're still having great Fall weather and actually need rain.  It's been almost a month since we've had any.  The corn crop in our area, with our nice 1" rains this summer, is very plentiful.  Yesterday several area elevators were closed so farmers were bringing theirs to our elevator causing a very long line. Some towns are dumping corn in the streets!  They say that hasn't been done for 15 years.  

Bradgate, IA - the pile is lots bigger since this was taken


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