Saturday, April 26, 2014

Busy Planting

The ground is barely dry enough to get some fields planted, but rain is forecast for several days starting tonight so we have been working as fast as we can.  Today has been very windy and only around 61 degrees.

The day before yesterday while field cultivating, I got into a fence in a corner for the first time and pulled an old wooden post out and the first section of fence.  I was happy I was able to walk to Peggy's house and get a tool to snip what was holding it all on one of the front sweeps and get going again.  Glad Bill or Tim didn't have to stop what they were doing and come help, especially since they didn't have vehicles so I would've had to go get them too.

Today the first field I was in, everything went so smooth and nice.  Then the next one not as well (but not bad).  Bill is still out planting now in the dark (it's 9:30 here).  He's not having fun in the field he's in but hopes to get it done tonight in case we do get all that rain.
This picture was taken from the planter tractor this evening.  Bill's filling up the planter with seed from the seed tender (pulled by the pickup).  The seed tenders are a great invention.  It saves the farmer from having to physically carry and open lots of heavy bags of seed.

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