Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nice Saturday

Diane and I had planned for a month that we were going to the JoKir's Wild Farm Fair today. There was going to be 12 vendors selling everything from vegetables to baked goods to pillows. Then this week Glenn & Amy had the chance to come back from Texas for the weekend to see Camry for the first time, so Amy's sister and her husband also came from Indiana and her brother came from eastern Iowa, and we all went! This is a picture of Amy's brother holding the baby - and Diane. Unfortunately, this was the only picture I took today.

The fair was at the farm home of people who raise Black Angus and sell the beef. Mrs. Pisel makes lots of things like homemade bread, noodles & caramel rolls plus puts together gift bags of various quick meal ingredients and sells them and their beef from their home and farmers' markets. It was a hot day but they have lots of big shade trees. A 4-H club was selling lunch for $5 of the Pisels' beef made into Italian beef sandwiches on her homemade buns, chips and a drink.

Saw this on the way at the nursery - pretty!

Bill, his mom, Uncle Tim and others helped move his aunt today. Unfortunately, the house she had rented for years is for sale. She had her little house fixed up so cute. I hope she can find something as nice or nicer but it won't be easy. She's going to be house sitting for friends for a while while she looks.

Last night we all got together for a cookout at Diane & Todd's. I made cheese potatoes, an ice cream dessert and took the meat. Diane made stuffed jalapenos and corn pudding.

Bill is planning to work on our yard some more this evening. The grass and weeds have all died nicely.

Happy Birthday today to Mom! She's going to a cookout at Uncle Neal & Aunt Jan's. They're also celebrating cousin Scott's birthday today.

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