Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Fields are Changing

Harvest time will be here soon! See the beans starting to turn yellow?

Bill is at combine school this afternoon. They are reminded about safety issues and other things - and then fed.

The Goodwill truck is here again! It was here this spring too. I cleaned out a bunch of old clothes and other stuff then but seemed to find more for this time! Back in Indiana, we had Goodwill stores so until moving here, it had been a long time since I had seen or had to wait on a Goodwill truck. It will be in nearby towns for a couple of weeks after it leaves ours.

I'm getting better about not having to save everything sentimental or things that are "still good" but not being used or worn at all.


Anonymous said...

I seem to have more space in my little corner of the closet every time the Goodwill truck shows up...... I think I see a pattern!


Marie said...

It's hard to part with items but it gets easier. I have another stack of stuff ready to go drop off. I have never missed anything I have gotten rid of...even some of what I thought was sentimental. I just kept one or two items from a collection and let the rest go. It's kind of fun. I'm getting ready to tackle the kitchen cabinets next...before we start painting.

Cindy said...

you have the same amount of space that I do . . . (almost)

You're right Marie, I never miss what I've gotten rid of!