Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More Thanksgiving

Mom, my assistant, is resting before everyone arrives. She did lots of dishes especially - couldn't have done it all without her! She left for home today. As Diane & Glenn say, she never stays long enough. We needed a few more days to make our Christmas cards!

Mom, Bill & I took the triplets to Pizza Hut and DQ Fri. night along with a stop at the grocery. Mom bought the boys some of their favorite cereal and snacks.

Two of our desserts on Thanksgiving - apple crisp and pumpkin pie. Peggy also brought a Layered Pumpkin Pie that is Dave's favorite. It was really good. Sat. night our desserts were French Silk pie and pecan pie.

The boys loading their plates. Our peninsula was great for a big meal - lots of room. I totally forgot to take people pictures on Thanksgiving.

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