Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 2 - Fences

Today was my second day in the tractor this planting season doing the field cultivating.  I started at noon (after the LAST cookbook meeting - hooray!)  All was going very well in nice straight fields and even around intakes - much better than yesterday.  Then came the fence I had to go along on both sides.  On the first side I took out the first (old) fence post.  Not too big of a problem.  No wire was caught or wrapped around anything so I went on after throwing the fence post out of the way.  On the other side, I went very slow so it seemed to go on for five miles.  Got that done finally (with no problems) and all was well again for quite a while - until I had two intakes to go around.  They didn't go as well as the ones earlier in the day, but I got them done without hitting them.  

Then the other - and last - fence problem of the day happened.  It was about 8:15 and the sun was setting.  I was headed for the corner to go along another fence.  Don't know what I was thinking because I got way into the corner and next thing I knew the field cultivator was up on the fence!  Husband had to be called on this one!  He came with wire cutters.  I told him I was done for the day.  I knew it would be a disaster with it getting dark and what I had left to do was mostly going along fences and other edges.  He agreed.  :)  

The rest of the team is so efficient that they're catching up to me (planter & sprayer) so Tim is going to do those darn edges for me in the morning (they call them end rows).  He'll be much faster at it.  They tell me all this gets easier/better with practice!       

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