Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Building Site

to the east from the road
 Bill & Tim have been working on the ground where the new building will sit behind our house, to the north and east.  Tried to take these pictures so you can see where it will be from our house.  

It's going to be a 60' x 120' EPS building built by Quail Construction out of Spencer, Iowa.  Quail Construction is a family owned business and they've been in business since 1945. 
 It's thundering and we're right on the line to maybe get rain. Bill is out spraying a field and just called to have me look at radar.  As I was telling him what I saw, he saw straight up and down lightening so that made up his mind to stop.  He'll be home for lunch shortly.  

looking north from the south side of our yard

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