Sunday, October 4, 2009


Yesterday I went to lunch in Algona with some friends and then Rob, Ross & Reed were here in the afternoon/evening for a while. They wanted "brunch food". They say they like college.

This last week, one of the semis' radiator had to be replaced so they brought out the grain cart and 2 wagons to dump the beans into along with the other semi. Not as handy, but it works.

There has been no field work for 4 days - has been too wet. We do have some sun today and a couple guys are combining corn. Tim & Bill have been working on the semi, doing bookwork & misc.

I headed to Humboldt early Wed. morning to get the new tires on the Pilot aligned. These buffalo are at a house on the way.
Think there are 3. I did a double take when I saw them and had to get a picture.

One of the couples that Bill & Tim farm for who live in Des Moines now were here Wed. Th
ey invited all of us including wives, Peggy, Carl & Pam to lunch at the local cafe and then stopped by to see our house. They like to get here once in the Fall to see their farm and all of the action. It's always fun to see them.

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