Monday, December 9, 2013

A Fun First

Saturday, I went to my first ever Cookie Walk.  It's not something new here, but I had never heard of them and lots of other people haven't either.  This one was in Algona at a Methodist Church.  Bill's sister, Karen, and our nieces usually go to one every year that their church does.  When we're at her house for Christmas, she always has all of these pretty cookies for us.  It's fun to try all the different ones. 

Churches or other groups have cookie walks as a fundraiser.  They just have members of their groups bake cookies to donate (this church asked families to bring 4 doz.), usually at Christmas time.  The day of the "walk", they line them up on covered tables, give you a plastic bucket with a lid and you just walk along the tables and pick up the ones you want!  Fun! It was $8 per bucket.  It's an easy fundraiser.

They say that usually they are out of cookies 30 minutes after the doors open. I was done in about 10 min.  It was fun - I will definitely go again.  Next week there is one in Humboldt.  It looked liked a fun thing to take kids to. 

When I got home, we headed to Humboldt for the annual German meal for lunch.  Will post pictures of that next.

Bill is working in his shed doing some painting, and tonight he and Tim are going to a chemicals class in Humboldt.  I should be making Christmas cards, but I'm going to make caramels first. 

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