Friday, June 7, 2013

Back Home

I traveled home yesterday after being at Mom's in Indiana for a week and a half.  The weather there was so nice and so not nice here that Bill said I might as well stay longer as we were still unable to plant!   We "might" be able to tomorrow if we have some sun and warmth today and a breeze.  I'm hearing on the news this morning "brief shower possible" today.  More rain forecast for later tomorrow.  Not good at all.  As Bill says, the farmers are grumpy and have lost all patience.

Will try to get some posts with pictures done later today.  I got to celebrate the triplets' birthday with them, see family and a couple of long time friends, went to my cousin's son's graduation open house, rode bikes on trails with Glenn (perfect weather for that), pedicures and shopping with Mom, went to a concert at the Gazebo, Farmers' Market and more.

Today I need to catch up laundry, get groceries, and start getting ready for a P.E.O. meeting here next Tues. - but hope to be in a tractor soon!

This is exciting - a robin built a nest and has four eggs in Rob's tree that we moved here a couple of weeks ago!   

1 comment:

pam said...

Coby was so excited when a robin built a nest in his playhouse. He patiently waited until the eggs hatched. Had to keep Carson away ater they hatched so he wouldnt' disturb the babies! I was surprised the eggs hatched!