Monday, November 19, 2012

NW Iowa Women's Conference

A week ago, I helped in the kitchen at church on Thurs. and Fri. chopping chicken breasts, craisins and I made 18 - 9 x 13's of a pumpkin dessert!  We were expecting 220 women on Sat.!  Our pastor's wife, Joan, is always the organizer of big meals as she has worked in catering before.

The menu for the day was chicken salad with fine chopped apples & craisins on a square croissant which was cut in half, potato or beef vegetable soup, a fruit with jello cup and the pumpkin pie dessert.   It all tasted good!

We had programs to staple, fold and add inserts.

Several ladies and also some of the high school kids did the decorating.  They used lots of bittersweet.  Men were recruited to move tables & chairs before and after and to help serve soup and do dishes.
 The candles up front were beautiful.  Two couples had used these at their weddings.  
Everything came together and it was a really nice day!


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