Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Avenue of Flags in our cemetery - 50 flags
 Some pictures from our cemetery . . .

There is usually a memorial service in the cemetery and the Lutheran Church ladies VFW Ladies Aux. serve a Maidrites or ham sandwich lunch after at the Lutheran Church.  Maidrites are similar to sloppy joes depending on the recipe used.  Maidrites all taste different - lots of variations that you will see if you Google them! 

Bill is hoping to do some more power washing on the quad trac that I got oil all over that the dirt then REALLY stuck to.   I plan to mow our yard again and a couple other places.  Unfortunately, the wind is picking up.  Bill needs to spray some corn but can't if it's too windy.  We did get .25" rain during the night.  A huge amount of rain missed us. 
My Dad's grave in Carmel, IN - picture taken by Glenn today

Bill's Dad's grave here

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