Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Humongous Marshmallows

We had a nice Memorial weekend. Perfect weather except for a short time of rain. We grilled a lot, watched the Indy 500 and Nascar races, took a nap, helped with the flags at the cemetery.

Diane has always been quite a shopper - from a young age. I'm not so anytime I want to know where to find something I ask Diane and she knows.

Recently we were in a grocery together and she showed me a bag of HUGE marshmallows and wanted to know if I had seen them before! They were the funniest new thing I'd seen in a long time. We finally tried roasting them this weekend. They're really good! You roast it the first time and peel off the browned part and eat it and then try to roast the creamy, gooey middle part before it falls off!

The last picture shows the size difference between these and the regular size ones. They are Campfire brand Giant Roasters. Let me know if you've tried them! We figure one equals about 4 regular size ones.

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