Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blizzard of 2009

I got Bill to go out with me and drive around to see the drifts and see if anybody was out. His truck is about 19 years old so we can do whatever in it. The strong wind had blown the snow off our road so we made it into town. Found this guy that was stuck trying to get from a side street on to the main street through town. Here Bill's truck is crosswise across the main street! Kinda funny we could do that but no traffic!

They're saying the path of the storm through here got 8-12" of snow but this was our biggest drift. There was really nothing in front of our garage doors and the new driveway isn't bad. The wind does weird things.

They're saying travel in all of Iowa is still not advised. Our big ditches have filled up with snow that most likely won't have a chance to melt so any snow storms after this will cause drifting. We found several today that Bill didn't want to try to go through.

Snow piled up at the post office. Looked like the bank was open with just a couple of employees and also the grocery. I remember when I worked at the bank in Carmel, I had my dad take me to work the day after a blizzard in a tractor - didn't want to miss work!

Bill went to clear the end of friends' driveway but called to say he had been at a house fire instead and wouldn't be home for a while. Brrr. The sun had come out and we had a pastel sunset but it was about 5 degrees going down to -10 tonight. We're amazed that the furnace in this house has actually been off and on vs. running continuously at the old house. We found that there was NO insulation in the old house when Bill tore it down!

Have a good video of our drive but can't get it to load yet. Will try later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No insulation in the old house??? Why am I not very surprised.
