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Yesterday I thought I was going to get some things done around the house in the afternoon after going to Pocahontas in the morning, but Bill called and asked if I could help with beans since we were not going to be close to the elevator and it would take Tim quite a while to haul to town. Pam & Carl were out of town.
So Tim trained me to drive the cart and catch beans. He dumped them into the semi for me. It can be a little too easy to dump a whole bunch of $$$$/beans on the ground if you don't know what you're doing! I've noticed that farmers talk about it when they see a pile on the ground in somebody's field too! I'm starting to not be a
s nervous now that I've had a little more practice.It was sunny and got up to about 80 with no wind so by dark it was getting very hard to see with all of the dust hanging in the air. The guys said they hadn't seen it that bad for several years.
When we moved the equip. from Peggy's to the field, Bill was in the combine, then me pulling a trailer with the bean head on it, then Tim in the quadtrac. There was quite a bit of traffic to contend with which is never good. The video below is of Bill getting the bean head on the combine once we got to the field.I was planning for lunch at noon today but Bill called and said they were going to keep the combine running which means that Tim goes home for lunch at noon, then Bill at 1:00 while Tim runs it. Now Bill has called to say he'll be even later due to just getting a fire call. A fire today with this wind is not good. Hope it's not a field fire with things being so dry. (what did we do without microwaves??)
The sunrise this morning was pretty. That's the view to the back of our house. We've been seeing lots more sunrises lately than we usually do! My camera doesn't take sunrises or sunsets very well on any setting.
We are very sad today. We found out that a farmer we know was killed in a combine accident near here last night. He had just recently retired from the post office and could just farm. He and I had talked about me learning and helping Bill with farming. He told me some of the things he had told his wife like to just take it slow and not get "rammy". He said I would do fine. He was a really nice guy.
Also I see on the news today that a mail carrier was killed when she was hit by a tractor coming out of a field. This is a dangerous time of year with all the big equipment being used. Did you know that farming is one of the most dangerous professions?
Bill walked in for lunch today and said "it has started". They got started combining an 80 acre field of seed beans right before lunch. Not finding anything else that's ready yet.
In the picture is the new grain cart. Sure looks big! Pam has some nice equipment to use this year! She's been driving a John Deere 8300 tractor with a smaller cart for several years. Tim & Bill say she'll be up high enough now in this quadtrac to see into the semis which will help when she dumps from the cart into the semi. The cart holds a little over 1000 bushel and unloads at 500 bushel a minute. (wow)
It's only 62 today with some wind and it's not sunny. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler and then sunny and back to the 70's so there should be lots more action later this week. We're back to seeing more traffic on our road (pickups - spring and fall) and there are some guys hauling grain from last fall into the elevator.
I babysat on Sat. and Mon. Will post pictures another day. I have a cookbook meeting this afternoon and then will go ride with Bill. Recipes for the 2013 150th Anniversary Cookbook are starting to come in better now with the deadline of Nov. 1st getting closer. We're hoping for 900 recipes from our little town of 500 people!
PS - something has been eating my hostas at night this week and I'm not happy! They have looked so nice all summer. Wish I knew what they really like to eat and I'd leave it out for them to have instead!!
Once Mom had recovered from her knee surgery enough for me to leave her on her own, Bill flew from Ft. Dodge airport (45 min. from our house) to Indianapolis, stayed a few days and then we drove home together. It's a 600 mile, 10 hour drive so this time we decided to not get up at the crack of dawn to leave and drive all day to make it home. We got the sheets in the washer and cleaned up the upstairs bathroom so Mom would be ready for any unexpected guests, and left around 10:30 to just drive about halfway.
Our first stop was in Ne
w Liberty, Iowa to see one of my long time Stampin' Up! friends, Nancy. She lost her husband to cancer a few years ago, had recently remarried and I had not met her new husband. You should check out her blog, This Old House in New Liberty . She and her husband have redone most of their old house and it looks great. I didn't take my own pictures for my blog since she has such good ones on hers. She's also very crafty. We walked across the street in their tiny town and ate together and then we headed through the country north to Dubuque to stay for th
e night. When Bill asked me to marry him, we decided to get married in Dubuque since it would be a four hour trip for his family and friends and six for mine - kind of half way. When we rode the paddle wheel boat (last picture) on another trip to Dubuque, Bill had noticed the Miss Dubuque at the dock. So when we talked about getting married in Dubuque, we thought it would be fun for everyone to be married while cruising on The Mississippi! We checked into it and that's what we did. It was a perfect day on
June 30th, 2007 for a wedding cruise! Our picture is still on the Miss Dubuque's web site under weddings HERE.
However, the minister was not theirs - he's Richard Clark, my minister and friend from my Carmel church, Central Christian. Richard and his wife were nice enough to travel to Iowa for our wedding.
Bill and I left Indiana Wed., stopped to see one of my friends and meet her husband and then stayed in Dubuque, Iowa for the night. Got home Thurs. late afternoon. I have several more pictures from Indiana and our stop in Dubuque (where we got married) to post soon!
I'm lucky that Bill cleans up the house before I get back whenever I've been gone! He runs the dishwasher, does his laundry and "recycles" the newspapers (which means he burns them or puts them in the dumpster). He just doesn't do floors, sinks or toilets. So I've been unpacking all of my stamping stuff I took to Indiana and clothes, doing laundry, going through mail, etc.
The day we got back I went to our Farmers' Market (the refrig. was bare!) and caught up with some people. This morning I went to the West Bend Farmers' Market and talked with one of the vendors that I knew. I gave her my Stampin' Up! business card as she wants to have a party since she scrapbooks. We have the new Holiday Mini catalog out as of Sept. 1st! I'll have a link to it on the right here soon. Otherwise, you can also see it through my SU! web site (link above).
I found Bill inside a grain bin on my way home. It's the last one to be cleaned out. Yesterday he did some paperwork after we got back from Algona. Our front seat in the Buick is squeaking again. Had some papers to sign at the accountant's office - both in Algona.
We got 9/10" of rain the night we got back. It is needed although it's too late for the crops. This morning has been rainy but the sun's trying to come out. 79 degrees. I have chicken & dumplings in the crock pot for lunch and it's smelling good. Will also cook some fresh green beans. I made Bill a cake yesterday. He said his mom had something sweet for him with the meals she made for him while I was gone. Thanks Peggy!